Thursday 19 July 2012

The Story Behind Sunny's Erratic Behavior + WWF Firing

As reported earlier, WWE Hall of Famer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch checked into a rehabilitation program sponsored by WWE on Monday morning. She was admitted to an emergency room late Friday night for consuming nearly two gallons of vodka (figure according to RF Video), and her boyfriend, independent wrestler Damien Darling, insisted that she seek professional help.

According to Tammy, she attributes her erratic behavior in recent months, which has led to her no-showing multiple wrestling events she was scheduled to perform on, to depression stemming from loneliness. The couple have a long-distance relationship as they only spend time together on weekends and on Mondays she often becomes depressed and subsequently behaves in an erratic manner through the week. The website says she has had "several bad Fridays" but last week's ordeal was serious enough that Darling gave her an ultimatum; either enter rehab or they were through.

RF Video was scheduled to film Sytch's wrestling road travels last week but her untimely fall of the wagon nixed plans. She then offered to participate in a "shoot" interview on Sunday, which was more or less an intervention, as she spilled her soul on her myriad of problems. She was asked on at least three occasions whether she was comfortable laying everything out on the table and said she wanted to go public with her personal issues not to mention that she considered it the first step in cleansing her inner being.

In an obituary for Sytch's late boyfriend Chris Candido, it was noted that her refusal to enter a rehabilitation center led to her premature termination from WWE, then known as the World Wrestling Federation, in the summer of 1998. After repeated no-shows and questionable excuses, particularly when she claimed to executive Linda McMahon that she had miscarried a child and was unable to produce medical documentation, was asked to enter rehab. She refused and was fired as a result. She entered rehab at least once years later, but was unable to cease her substance abuse.

As noted above and earlier here on the website, Sytch participated in a very emotional interview with RF Video prior to entering a rehabilitation facility on Monday where she addressed her variety of personal battles (available soon exclusively on DVD at or watch instantly at A video preview of the interview has been released, which shows her accusing her former boyfriend (a police officer from New Jersey) of domestic violence, as well as her disclosing her belief years ago that she would die and making drug runs to Tijuana, Mexico. Quotes from the video preview are as follows:

"Everybody has heard about my "personal demons" in the past [voice cracking], but nobody really knows the truth about it."

"...on Tuesday, I'm still good and then by like Wednesday, I just, I crack, 'cause I hate to be without him. I hate to be alone. I live on the beach. I go to the beach every day. But, I'm still just a depressed mess."

"...seriously, the three most important people in my life, that I ever had, are gone. So it's always going to play a part, it's always going to hit that depression spot."

"...I was afraid for my life half the time. It was really bad. It really wasn't a good...wasn't a good thing at all. [Tearfully pauses] On a daily basis I would be told that I was fat, ugly and worthless. Almost daily, I was hit. A couple times I ended up in the hospital..."

"...but like I said, there have been years in my life where I wouldn't pick up a drink. For years..."

"Do you want to know how I got my first drink? With my "then boyfriend," Shawn Michaels."

"In my twenties, I once said to myself, I'll probably die at 36 because I wanted to be just like Marilyn Monroe. And I actually looked in the mirror and said that to myself...because back then with the pills and drinking, everybody was crazy on the road..."

"If you think about it, when you're drunk, you don't even know what you're doing. You have no idea. I don't think I'm violent, I could be wrong..."

"'s a really hard decision to actually take this step. Don't ever let anybody think it's not because it's...and being that I was there once, and I know what it's like. It's tortuous. It really is."

"...turned me on to, "Hey, gotta hit Tijuana with me." So first couple trips, I was making with Louie [Spicolli] down in Tijuana. After he passed away, I was going by myself, and I was taking orders, not saying for who, of what people needed from Tijuana."

"...I said Davey Boy. I'm like, "Davey!" And I hear, "No, it's Diana." And right away, my heart sunk. I'm like, "What's up Diana?" She goes, this is exactly what she said, "Davey just died."

"...between Rick Rude, Curt Hennig, Davey, Owen, it's just..." " did it turn from New Jack saying he's going to be in New Jersey next month, "I'm going to take care of him," to me asking him to...I'm not even going to say the words."

"...and I was getting tossed by Beth. So I grabbed Victoria and I grabbed Beth Phoenix and I said, "Listen, get me out, fast."

"...the screwjob happened. Bret stormed into Vince's office and was out within like three minutes. Immediately, Vince walks out of the room with a black eye. You don't get a black eye that quick. If you get hit, it takes a little bit of time for the idea to get black. Three minutes is not enough time. My theory..."

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